MARRIAGETOXIN Volume 1 Manga Review

MARRIAGETOXIN Quantity 1 Manga Evaluate

Which is riskier: attempting to discover the love of your life as soon as possible, or living life as a lethal assassin? Although I can’t speak for everyone, I’m rather certain that if we asked our main character, Gero, the response would be the latter. He’s spent his whole life being groomed as an assassin, so here has the opportunity to experience a whole new social ecology. Can someone with his limited social experiences find someone to marry when all you know is poison and candy? Perhaps, but let me say this straight away: this is a selfish, but unselfish, desire for me personally.

Gero is really a good person who secretly longs for a very ordinary existence, even if his desire to be married is motivated by protecting his sister, who was almost forced into an arranged marriage in order to produce an heir to their family’s ancient assassin school. I enjoy how the first third of the book is built up for this. Gero feels as if he has lost out on something since he has dedicated so much of his life to being an expert poison maker and assassin. Therefore, even if Gero’s original motivation was to support his sister, giving the scenario more depth made him seem more likeable. Despite his elevated occupation, he has an unexpectedly “everyman” vibe about him.

Unfortunately, because of where he is in the narrative, his partner Mei doesn’t get as much growth. Despite having a rather tragic past, he serves more as a development aid for Gero than as a completely formed character. Although this is undoubtedly a drawback for this book, I’m sure it will be expanded upon in following volumes. Nevertheless, I believe Mei does a good job motivating Gero and guiding him in the appropriate social path. Mei does have some excellent observations about interpersonal interactions and what constitutes sincere communication. Many conversations seem remarkably genuine, despite the fact that this is a bleak and very exaggerated world with abilities that aren’t always properly explained.

I was curious to find out more about each person and wanted our leads to find happiness in the end. That may not be simple, however, since this universe tends to favor the gritty and edgier aspects of mankind. Not only are assassins and criminal groups on the loose, but the book’s general tone has an air of filthiness about it. Aside from our two main protagonists, a lot of other people have cartoonishly twisted or warped looks. There are a few instances in the novel when a character will come off as quite unsettling, and although I won’t say that the writing is very terrifying, the sloppy manner sometimes evokes feelings of borderline dread. It conveys how hard it is to live “normally” in our world, much alone find any enjoyment in it, in a very powerful manner.

But I believe that’s the main idea. The everyday becomes much more meaningful when everything is so bloodthirsty and everyone is motivated by something else, which helps us understand the thinking of our heroes. Although this is a shōnen and has some of the standard shōnen clichés, such as violent battle scenes and seemingly random, inexplicable talents, the ultimate objective is somewhat more realistic than the vague aspiration of becoming the best—something that no one has ever been. By the end of the novel, Gero and Mei want to find a partner with the purpose of getting married, but I’m not sure what path they want to take to get there. I’m not sure whether “Operation White Knight” is meant to be a joke or if this may be another vehicle for interpersonal drama in the future, without giving anything away. It’s difficult to judge since the setup is left unfinished in this book, but considering the pretty crisp writing, I can see the potential for that concept to be further explored.

All things considered, this action series is very good. The artwork is captivating, effectively balancing action and thematic significance. Despite his rather unrelatable career, our protagonist Gero is quite relatable, and I think some of the themes presented here have a lot of promise. While there isn’t enough to make MARRIAGETOXIN stand out from the plethora of other continuing tales now in publication, I wouldn’t suggest you should quit everything you’re doing to go read it. This is a good option, in my opinion, whether you like assassin tales or are looking for an action series with a little more of a quirky, approachable edge.

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