Unnamed Memory – Episode 01 Review Random Curiosity

Unnamed Reminiscence – Episode 01 Assessment – Random Interest

OP Sequence

OP:「呼び声」(Yobigoe) by Tei

「呪いの言葉と青い塔」 (Noroi no Kotoba to Aoi Tou)
“Cursed Words and the Azure Tower”

This season’s ironic blessing and amusing curse come from some cunning bastard who managed to get Crunchyroll’s subscriptions and leak a ton of them. Larger series like Konosuba (which has two episodes out right now) and smaller ones like Unnamed Memory also received preemptive treatment, which is why I find myself posting about it a week after its “technical” release. What can I say? You need raw screencaps, and I swear to god I won’t watch till I get them. Or I will attempt, anyhow!

Like the RC Preview hinted at, Unnamed Memory is likely one of the few original fantasy series this season. The main character, Prince Oscar (Nakajima Yoshiki), is a confident and outspoken crown prince who, as a result of certain foreboding events, got himself cursed to have all of his wives and their unborn children die miserably. Oscar realizes that his circumstances are unsustainable for a king, so he takes the next best option, which is to locate a neighboring witch in a desolate tower and beg her to relieve his curse. Oscar must overcome a number of obstacles, both mental and physical, before he can approach Tinasha (Tanezaki Atsumi), the eponymous azure witch of the tower, and make his request. Unbelievable scenario, undoubtedly a work of fiction, but entertaining to watch unfold, particularly when the two protagonists ultimately cross paths.

The connection between Oscar and Tinasha after their face-to-face was perhaps what drew me in the most to this episode. Oscar is the complete opposite of what you would normally anticipate from a male; as the banter started, the very youthful and very obviously not centuries old Tinasha was rapidly flustered by his confidence, ambition, and amount of moxie. Tinasha, on the other hand, isn’t a timid or shy girl; she has her own pride and confidence, which makes for some very funny scenes when it collides with Oscar’s own cunning. Especially when it turns out that Oscar’s curse isn’t really a curse but rather a so-called blessing that can probably be broken by finding a woman who can withstand it.

I’m eager to see how it all works out because of the adult tone, the characters in question, and the revelation at the conclusion that Tinasha lived with Oscar for a year in exchange for Tinasha openly refusing marriage. In addition to their intriguing connection, there’s a big drama going on behind the surface, and based on what I’ve heard, it seems like it will be an exciting journey. If you’re looking for a fresh take on fantasy this spring, this one is definitely worth keeping an eye on.

ED Sequence

ED: 「blan_」by Arika


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