The Vampire Dies in No Time Season 2

The Vampire Dies in No Time Season 2

Along with those other characters from the episode, John the Armadillo is back. It’s the second season of The Vampire Dies in No Time, one of the recent years’ most dependable comedic anime. This is largely due to the fact that it successfully mixes numerous comic subgenres. It combines wordplay, slapstick, and humor about the workplace, among other things, without being too crude. Its humor is more accessible than that of many other comedies since if you missed the joke in the first half of an episode, it’s likely that you’ll find it in the second, which is almost always based on a different kind of humor.

That does not imply that some parts are not a mixed bag, as the show also enjoys a good running joke. Draluc’s reputation as the fainting goat of vampires is, of course, the most obvious one, with his second, less often humor being his complete inability to shift into anything really frightening. (This season’s first episode features a very effective makeover.) Yakyuken Lover, a vampire who is fixated on the game of strip yakyuken, a variation of rock-paper-scissors, is less charming. He poses a dual problem since he combines a joke that gets less hilarious with each telling with a more obvious resolution than most jokes do. He encounters his adversary this season, but generally speaking, he’s not as well-planned as some of the other repeated gags. However, there is always an exception. The fact that other members of the “perverted vampire” camp aren’t as prevalent this time around helps to balance him out a little bit. Mister Lewd Talk is present, but Hinaichi is still largely under the influence of last season’s episodes rather than being repeatedly hypnotized by him, and Nudenium is primarily a visual joke. The vampiric burdock root falling in love with Sagyo, a police officer in the Vampire Control Division, is this time’s big winner in terms of new running jokes. Once they cross paths, the burdock root, which resembles an eyeball spider, starts to follow Sagyo around without anyone noticing or caring. It resembles his unique fusion of John and Draluc.

Each episode is split into two or three smaller portions, same as the first season. This keeps working because each piece may be played out in the appropriate period of time. The show generally prevents things from lingering past their welcome and the jokes always come fairly swiftly. We witness Ronaldo being played with in clips in the middle of larger pieces, so it never gets old. The same is true of Hinaichi’s unexpected digressions into her childish rendition of the filthy discourse. It requires a delicate balance, which The Vampire Dies in No Time masters.

Draluc’s brief appearance in episode two as a game reviewer is unquestionably one of the greatest of the new content (i.e., not running jokes from the first season). Autumn Books, Ronaldo’s publisher, approaches Draluc about starting a new magazine segment covering video games. One of the worst video games ever released is infamously one of his earliest assignments. Everything in it is spot on, from the many ways the game is flawed to Draluc’s valiant efforts to maintain his composure while trying to force the game and console down the editor’s throat. One of the best parts of the season is the wonderful reveal towards the conclusion. Getting locked inside a barrier with Ronaldo, Draluc, and a few others was another fantastic moment. They immediately use the looping mechanism of the barrier to reveal their butts. Additionally, there is a vampire who, with the exception of Draluc, utilizes his abilities to make everyone age backwards. Baby Hinaichi finds it amusing when toddler Ronaldo takes off his pants to show her his penis, of which he is very proud, because she views it as a dangly toy to be grabbed. In this episode, you will see toddler penises, incidentally. Many of the jokes could be considered crude, but they don’t concentrate on that, which again makes each episode part seem more enjoyable than not.

We are introduced to some new people, the most of them are vampires, even though the majority of the cast is familiar from the first season. They are all made of the same stuff and have abilities that are more comical than dangerous, like making it snow a lot (but not always). The one exception is Bosatsu, a perfectly cuddly vampire cat who has allowed himself to be adopted by Ronaldo’s dreadful editor. Bosatsu stands out due to his feline form, which consistently thwarts his nefarious schemes. He believes he will employ his owner. But like most cats, he eventually comes to love the attention he receives as a house cat. Bosatsu only has one episode, but it really captures the essence of the feline mentality.

Although it fares quite well in the art and animation categories, The Vampire Dies in No Time may not win any prizes. It’s not the kind of program that lends itself to in-depth conversations unless you’re really interested in talking about how the opening tunes changed from swing dance to the hand motions from “The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round.” However, it is continuously funny, and many of its jokes manage to land. Make time to watch it if you missed this comedy gem and you’re in the mood to chuckle.

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